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The Latest News from The Journey

Hammer Band Concert

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We have received word that the concert on Tuesday at Sir Wilfred Laurier is a go.  The teacher’s job action will not affect the event.  So, that is Tuesday, May 12th at 6pm.  The concert is free!...

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School Job Action

As you know there is the probability of the elementary school teachers engaging in some form of job action starting on Monday, May 13th.  As of this time, we don’t...

Hammer Band Concert

The Journey is proud to host violin lessons on Tuesdays right after school.  The violin lessons were founded by a Toronto musician – Moshe Hammer, hence the name Hammer Band. ...

Learning Disabilities Support Group

On Tuesday, May 5/15 a support group for the parents of children with learning disabilities is meeting at The Journey. This is an opportunity to share ideas about education, technology,...

Video Making!

Starts This Week! THE ARDGLEN & ORENDA YOUTH & MENTORS FILM PROGRAM Have you always wanted to get behind a camera, or to take your filmmaking skills to the next...

Community In Action

On the last Friday of every month the Community in Action committee meets at The Journey.  This is an opportunity for community members, agency personnel and The Journey volunteers and...

Do Not miss Church Big Music Festival

Proin eget tortor risus. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia...

facebook page link

If you want the latest and greatest news, just go to our facebook page on this website.  It is linked to our facebook page and updates as we post!

Friday Youth Event

This coming Friday, right after school, the YMCA is hosting an event for the neighbourhood teens.  Food, games and lots of fun are on the agenda!

Clothing Exchange

Tomorrow morning (Saturday, April 11th) from 9:00am to 12:00pm is a clothing exchange at North Bramalea United Church. I’m not sure why they call it an exchange, since you don’t...