The End of HOPE?
Over the past six weeks we have been focusing on the theme of HOPE, a topic rather appropriate considering our circumstances. When the series was first proposed, back in March,...
Big Update – May 25, 2020
We receive a lot of information at The Journey, sometimes it feels like too much. So, when you click the link below to our latest update, you will probably feel...
Summer Camp
Because of the lockdown, The Journey has not been able to offer our programs, nor host the events that we love to do in our community. As it is, we...
New Position Opening at The Journey
The Journey is hiring for a new full time position – Community Network Lead. The Community Network Lead will engage agencies and community members to create a community network and...
Thank You!
The Journey would like to publicly acknowledge organizations and individuals who continue to assist The Journey during this time of crisis: United Way Greater Toronto Capital Power Corporation Toronto...
Spring Newsletter
The past five months have been ones of almost constant change at The Journey. We started the year off with some new programming ideas, a Winter Camp, plans for a...
Community Volunteer Tax Clinic
Attention Ardglen and Orenda! If you qualify for the Government Tax Clinic, then The Journey can help you! THE JOURNEY NEIGHBOURHHOD CENTRE COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX CLINIC INFORMATION...
Update – April 29, 2020
Canada April 29th – CERB Expansion for Students Through the CESB, currently being considered by Parliament, students who are not receiving the Canada Emergency Response Benefit would receive $1,250 per...
Peel Memorial Urgent Care Closed
After this evening (April 24), the Urgent Care Centre at Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton will be closed. For a medical emergency, you will have to go to Civic.
Students and CERB – April 23, 2020
Changes and Updates in Regards to Students and the CERB (Gov. of Canada) – April 22 Enhancing Student Financial Assistance for Fall 2020 To address additional financial needs of...