
Parent Support Group

Tonight! Tuesday, November 3rd at The Journey Neighborhood Centre (9 Ardglen Drive, Brampton – 905-230-1413) at 7pm. The guest speaker is from the International Dyslexia Association.

Parent Support Group

On the first Tuesday of every month a support group for parents with children with learning disabilities meets at The Journey.  The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 3rd at...

Halloween At The Journey

The Journey will be hosting a Halloween Party on Friday, October 30th from about 5pm to 8pm for the kids.  There will be candy, games and crafts.


Your vote counts!

Keeping Up-To-Date

Don’t forget to check our our facebook page page to find out the latest and greatest of what is going on at The Journey.


This Monday is Thanksgiving, which means The Journey will be closed. More importantly this weekend is an opportunity for each of us to reflect back on the people, opportunities and...


Today is Thursday, which means Kidzone is happening right after school. This is a great program for kids from JK to Grade 5. Games, stories, crafts, and while the kids...

Wacky Wednesday Cooking Is Back!

Every Wednesday starting at 5:30pm is Wacky Wednesday cooking. Come out for a family time together of cooking and sharing. Tonight’s menu is chicken pasta and apple crumble – yum,...

Parents Support Group

On the first Tuesday of every month a support group for parents of children with learning disabilities meets at The Journey.  This coming Tuesday, October 8th at 7pm the support...

Plenty of Links

There are plenty of great services and organizations that The Journey is either directly affiliated with or recommends.  If you need assistance with anything from counselling, to tenancy issues, to...