The Sunday Gathering
Food, Fun, Faith, Fitting! Ok, so the last word of the above alliteration is a little lame and obscure, but it was the best I could do. Potluck Sunday –...
Mother’s Day at The Sunday Gathering
Mother’s Day! This coming Sunday will be something special. Not just because The Sunday Gathering is always special. Not just because we have great refreshments. Not just because we will...
Journey for The Journey Fundraiser
Journey for The Journey is a fun bicycle ride to Niagara Falls hosted by the Purpose Riders cycling club to raise funds for The Journey Neighbourhood Centre. The Journey Neighbourhood...
Student Summer Job Opportunity
Encore Thrift Store has applied for funding through the Canada Summer Jobs program to be able to hire two full time students for a period of 16 weeks from May...
Good Friday & Easter Sunday
The choir from North Bramalea United Church will be singing Good Friday morning at The Journey. Everyone is welcome. There will be no The Sunday Gathering service on Sunday, April...
Good Friday Service – 11:30am
Come out this Friday Morning for an inspiring and moving service of scripture and song. The North Bramalea United Church choir will be performing Friday morning at 11:30am! ...
Parent Support Group
Tomorrow evening (Wednesday, April 5th) this the meeting of the Parent Support Group. This is a gathering of parents with children with various learning disabilities. They meet at our Ardglen...